In her vilest move yet, Price plays the race card

Steven Tavares, whose East Bay Insiders daily newsletter is must-reading for politics, headlined his article “DA Pamela Price: Rep. Eric Swalwell is critical of me because I’m a Black woman.” Not even Chesa Boudin, when he was recalled in San Francisco, resorted to a race card or gender defense. Chesa’s politics were all wrong, but at least he was a gentleman and defended himself on policy grounds.

There they go again: The Chronicle cop haters just can’t stop

Some years ago, when editor-in-chief Emilio Garcia-Ruiz arrived at the San Francisco Chronicle, the paper took a decidedly leftward turn. Almost overnight, the articles became anti-police, with “exposés” by newly-hired young Woodward-Bernstein wannabes looking to tarnish local police departments. The result of all this has been regular coverage of cops that portray them in a negative light, and the hiring of an avowedly racialist columnist, Justin Phillips. Were Phillips a White man bashing Black people, he’d be unemployable anywhere in America, but Phillips can get away with it at the Chronicle because Garcia-Ruiz (with presumably the blessing of the owning Hearst family) is allowed to peddle his propaganda.