There’s nothing at all surprising about Barbara Lee’s proposal to give free money to homeless people. This far-left politician, virtually a Communist, has spent her life advocating for the forced redistribution of wealth, taking it away from creative taxpayers who actually contribute to our nation’s productivity, and handing it to parasites who contribute nothing.
Trump overplays his hand
Black problems are moral problems, not political ones
Consider this observation from a political scientist, Michael Cromartie, who works at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C.
Using Black History Month for cheap political advantage
There’s nothing wrong, in principle, with Black History Month. After all, in America we have a gazillion other months dedicated to causes: National Bird-Feeding Month (February), Lyme Disease Awareness Month (May), LGBTQ Pride Month (June), National Pizza Month (October), and so on. It’s nice to cheer on these groups and causes and raise the public’s awareness of them.