Sheng Thao, the disgraced ex-mayor of Oakland, and Pamela Price, the recalled District Attorney from Alameda County, today announced the formation of their new housecleaning company, “Sheng & Pammy’s Beautiful Home”™.
The Scunge People: is there any way to stop them?
I wish that just once, I could take my early morning walk along Grand Avenue on my way to Trader Joe’s and not have to see the overturned wastebins, strewn trash, broken glass, smashed in bus stop windows and all the other insults to our senses and sensibility, like the massive pile of (presumably human) feces someone had so creatively dumped on top of a public garbage container.
Wokes are the new trailer trash
Remember to vote!
If you haven’t already. Five days until we declare victory (at least, on the local level!).
Have a great weekend. Back on Monday.
Steve Heimoff