Name me one thing Barbara Lee has done for Oakland in her 27 years of serving in the House of Representatives.
Welcome to Oakland, where everything is upside down and backwards
I wrote yesterday about how the Riders were never convicted of anything, and how the jurors who acquitted them were scathing in their denunciation of the prosecution. This whole case was a farce and a sham, and brought only because of anti-police bias.
Scam! Revisiting “The Riders” 25 years later
Meet your local inspector general: trying to kill OPD
Yesterday I wrote about the Coalition for Police Accountability. Today, it’s the Office of the Inspector General here in Oakland. You might have thought the official overseer of the Oakland Police Department was the Police Commission, or, perhaps, Mr. Warshaw, the federal monitor who corruptly prolongs his $1 million salary year after year with no challenge or obstruction from the city. But no! Why have just two or three police overseers when you can have four, five or more?