I’m rereading One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and realizing how living in Oakland is so similar to Randall McMurphy’s experience of living in the asylum where he’d been committed.
We know exactly why the Recalls happened. We don’t need “conjecture”
Steve Tavares, who generally does a good job reporting at his East Bay Insiders, was wide of the mark yesterday when he wrote that “It’s going to take some time to analyze what precipitated the Year of the Recall’ in 2024…the reasons why voters voted to remove two of the highest profile officials [i.e. Thao and Price] in the region remains [sic] conjecture.”
My meeting with a Mayoral candidate
A nice warm, quiet Friday
Not much going on in Oakland politically, so no column today. Have a pleasant, safe weekend! Back Monday.
Signs of the times
When I lived in the Berkshire Mountains, just south of the Vermont border, our brutally cold winters struck early and held on for months. But there always was a day in February, thawed by southerly winds, when false Spring occurred, and, however briefly, we could sense the approaching long hot days of Summer. It was a sign that the time of sweet corn and ripe peaches was nearing.