A Matter of Fairness

Coalition For a Better Oakland started this petition to the members of Oakland City Council. There are TWO very different plans to address the staffing shortage at OPD. Councilmember Loren Taylor authored one, Councilmember Sheng Thao the other. But Thao then made a self-serving rules committee maneuver to prevent consideration of Taylor’s rival (and more detailed) plan. Both Thao and Taylor are running for mayor, so the move was clever — but not in the interest of problem solving. It was just to benefit her. We ask that the City Council hear BOTH ideas when they meet to address the critical staffing shortages at OPD tomorrow, Tuesday, December 7.

As Council Member Taylor tweeted, “Not allowing Oaklanders the opportunity to have a dialogue on these items is a direct assault on our democratic process. It is evident that [Thao’s] candidacy for Mayor is undermining her and her Council allies’ duties to be fair and uncompromised leaders. That is why I will be supporting a full investigation of their actions, including a possible ethics violation and breach in Council rules of procedure. It is my hope that the safety of Oakland residents will be centered in all of Council’s decisions moving forward.”

By acting in such a high-handed manner, Thao is not showing the kind of principled behavior we expect and demand in our mayors. Here’s the link to sign our petition. Act quickly!

Jack Saunders