A word from CBO's Jack Saunders regarding the four cops' testimony at the Jan. 6 hearing

Law enforcement is having it’s opportunity to show the country what police are all about. Yesterday in Washington they did a marvelous job.

These are not the 4-star chiefs we usually see doing the talking in congressional hearings. These are just four street cops, the guys who actually put their lives on the line to maintain order in a world where criminals with little to lose lunge, grab, slash and murder on a routine basis.

When you ask the real guys you get the real story. Instead of the usual ass-covering evasion, we got clear and direct answers. We heard no arrogance, only the confidence you hear from witnesses who have thought deeply over their experiences in an honest hunt for understanding. What came across more than anything was their honesty and sincerity.

What city would want fewer of their kind around?

That depends on who you ask. Here in Oakland, 80% of average folks say more cops. But six of the most powerful nine people in town say fewer. And they run this place.

Does anyone want to talk about that? Elections next year.