Ask the editor: "Why are you publishing lies and propaganda in the S.F. Chronicle?"

I’m really looking forward to my virtual meeting next week with Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, the Editor in Chief of the San Francisco Chronicle. I want to ask him why he’s giving so much editorial space to the cop-hating propagandist, Cat Brooks.

She’s had, by my count, no fewer than four long op-ed pieces in the last month, each of them filled with her fake version of fact. (And by the way, I’ve never seen a single op-ed piece in the Chronicle that was supportive of cops.) Brooks’s latest screed, from Monday, was headlined, “Oakland doesn’t need CHP’s help.” It was Brooks’s response to Gov. Gavin Newsom acceding to Mayor Schaaf’s request to bring in the troops, in this case California Highway Patrol officers. They’re now here in order to boost Oakland’s ability to fight crime; the Oakland Police Department is hemorrhaging officers, who are so demoralized in the face of hostile attacks by the likes of Brooks that they’re quitting in droves. There simply aren’t enough cops to tackle the wave of murders and other crimes washing over Oakland.

So who’s saying “Oakland doesn’t need CHP’s help”? Not Chinatown residents, who demanded that Newsom do something to help them from the near-daily assaults they suffer at the hands of thugs.

Not Mayor Schaaf, who praised the CHP deployment while warning thugs, “Beware – there is going to be more enforcement.”

Not the East Bay Times, which editorialized, “It’s a shooting gallery in Oakland; more cops are needed.”

Not the people of Oakland, 78 percent of whom said in an official City poll that they want “the same level or more of policing.”

How does the Chronicle let Brooks get away with these blatant lies? The only people who don’t want more cops in Oakland are Brooks and her BFF, City Councilmember Carroll Fife, and their comrades of the radical left, who in many instances want to see the police department abolished altogether.

So, as I say, I can’t wait to ask Mr. Garcia-Ruiz my question. I’ll duly report his response right here.

Steve Heimoff