Can Black people be racists? Ask Carroll Fife

A reader told me that I seem “more strident” lately. Yes, I’ve become more strident because the other side—the woke progressives—have become more outrageous. I’m talking about the current District Attorney, and Carroll Fife.

Fife, it is now apparent, is a full-blown racist. She espouses a Black Supremacy ideology in which White and Asian (or “Yellow” people, as she calls them) are less important than the Black people she purports to represent. Perhaps she thinks she can get away with this because public sentiment favors her. She’s delusional.

Fife went racist-ballistic in a City Council meeting last week. She said, among other things, that she will work with Black landlords who are facing foreclosure because of the rent moratorium she favors. As for White, Asian and Latino landlords, well, she’ll give preference to Blacks. Then, to make matters worse, she said she didn’t want to hear White or Yellow people talk about her ancestors who were slaves. I’m going to keep it real,” she said.

Welcome to the reality of Fife’s venomous race-poison. Her racism didn’t garner a word of criticism from the other City Council members (including Nikki Bas, who is “Yellow”), or the current Mayor, who also is “Yellow.” But Twitter users sure did speak out, and they’re pissed. Here’s a sample:

Wow @carroll_fife literally says, “I will work with you — especially if you’re Black — to prevent your foreclosure.” Then someone speaks out and she says dismissively, “Well, you’re not Black.”

@MayorShengThao weren’t you screaming about the racist city council members in L.A.?…

Replying to @SenecaSpeaks21 @carroll_fife and @MayorShengThao

@MayorShengThao @GavinNewsom - Didn't LA Council Members get fired for this type of talk? Are we to understand that Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Brazilian & any other minority property owner will not get @carroll_fife support in reclaiming owed rent that could lead to foreclosure?

Apparently some racism is better than others? Shouldn't we get a replay of what happened down in LA?

But but but but, black people cant be racist !?!

She’s the most openly racist person in Oakland.

Hate that I’m about to say this but we need to get the attention of Fox News to give this national coverage.

This RACIST person NEEDS to be removed.

Wait i thought there wasn't such a thing as "black supremacy"? Her tone to the person who wasnt black is ripe with condescension

This is what years of coddling of the [protected class] does. Now they are demanding reparations as well. These people need to be far away from government.

Isn't this a fair housing violation? You cannot discriminate in this country. Period.

She is racist, and must be fired on the spot. Is there any petition or anything like that to make it happen?

She called Asian people “yellow” landlords!!! Imagine a white a council woman saying the same thing. Does Fife get to be a racist because she is a black council woman? Is being black a racism free pass?

You see why people still need  @FoxNews? The left media won’t report it.

Scumbag human

Stop voting against your own self-interest. The left HATES you, your kids, and your desire for safe, beautiful communities.

Why dumb progressive white people vote for racist Carrol Fife, just to show they are better non racist white peoples? In the meantime, those dumb white progressives throw Asian on the sacrificial altar for racists to redeem their white guilt.

How is Fife going to help? By threatening to burn down the bank? Dumbass Fife's only hope of getting what she wants is through violence

[This is Steve again] I agree with all these comments—although I hope people do not watch Fox “News.” And by the way, there wasn’t a single comment in support of Fife in that long string.

Here’s the Mayor’s email: PLEASE tell her how you feel about Fife! You’ll probably get an autoreply because Thao has ZERO interest in being pitted against Fife, whom she mistrusts but fears. But email her anyway. There must be someone in her office who can tell her how Fife is ruining Oakland and damaging Thao’s career.

As for Fife, she’s an unapologetic racist, and after years of tip-toeing around the edges, she finally feels bold enough to go public with it. It’s hard to tell whom she hates more, Whites or Asians. She’s right up there in bigotry with her racist friends, Cat Brooks and our current D.A., Pamela “Get Out of Jail For Free if You’re Black” Price. How in God’s name we ever got stuck with these deranged haters, I’ll never understand. The good news, though, is that we finally have their number. Their jig is up.

 Steve Heimoff