City Council set for big budget hearing today

June 24, 8:30 a.m. - The Oakland City Council is set to meet later this morning for a hearing on the 2021-2023 budget. I will be there via Zoom. If I’m called on to make a remark, here’s what I’ll say:

“Earlier this year, the City of Oakland’s Budget Advisory Committee released the findings of a poll it conducted. That poll reported that 78% of Oaklanders ‘want the same number of, or more, police officers patrolling neighborhoods and responding to 911 calls.’ Mayor Schaaf referred to this finding in justifying her own budget proposal, which largely protected OPD funding. In light of this overwhelming supermajority, this City Council’s impending vote to defund OPD will constitute a wanton disregard of the decent opinions of the people of Oakland.”

If I had the time, I’d add this: One of the things that annoys so many ordinary Americans is that they believe their own, considered views and opinions are too often disregarded by ‘experts’ in power, who think the people are idiots and that they, the ‘experts,’ know better. This City Council, or more specifically certain individuals upon it such as Ms. Fife and Ms. Bas, in essence tell the people of Oakland that they’re too stupid to understand the real issues, and that they—the people of Oakland—ought to just shut up and let them, the ‘experts,’ run things. But the people of Oakland are not stupid. They’re quite smart, and as they see and hear the news, they perceive increasing levels of violence and mayhem that threaten them, their families and friends, and the local businesses where they shop. The people of Oakland cry out for police protection, yet what do they hear from this City Council? ‘Stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Deal with it. Social justice is much more important than crime prevention and arresting criminals. If you’re not with us in promoting social justice, then leave Oakland and move to some suburb and join your fellow white supremacists.’

These woke warriors on the City Council claim they want both peace in Oakland, and a better police department. If they get their way, they shall have neither.

Steve Heimoff