Crazy Carroll is losing her mind in public

The way Fife tells it, all that garbage in the streets of Oakland was planted there by her many enemies, most likely Piedmont billionaires, in some bizarre conspiracy to make her look bad.

Yes, the same Piedmont billionaires who are recalling Sheng Thao and Pamela Price. Those bad boys are now deliberately throwing old mattresses, decomposing garbage and burnt-out cars on street corners, especially in Fife’s district 3.

Here’s a video Fife put up online. It’s less than 2 minutes long, so give it a peek and see for yourself if Fife qualifies as the weirdest person in Oakland.

Everybody lately is talking about Trump losing his mind in full public meltdown, but honestly, closer to home, it’s Fife who’s going off the rails. She’s always been deeply paranoid, of course, what with her allegations that Black people are deliberately targeted by a White racist cabal, and that she, herself, has endured attacks by unknown enemies out to ruin her. Now that she’s in serious danger of losing her job, her derangement has reached psycho level.

Fife’s enemies planting garbage in District 3? That’s pretty weird. I suppose the billionaires have their servants drive them around in the middle of the night in their limos, and then they toss all the junk and return home afterwards to enjoy cognac and Cuban cigars and throw darts at a picture of Fife in a bullseye.

And to make things even weirder, Fife is claiming to be shocked, shocked, to have found garbage in the streets. She never knew Oakland had a dumping problem.

I did. You did. Everybody did. Except Crazy Carroll.

In addition to being non compos mentis, apparently Fife is also blind. Her district, indeed all the flatlands, have been appalling dumps of garbage and trash since before the pandemic. The irony of her claiming to have discovered it on Wood Street, of all places, is not lost on us. It was the worst homeless slum in the Bay Area, and what did Fife do? She fought bitterly against cleaning it up. When Seneca Scott exposed her malfeasance, she sent her boyfriend to intimidate him. Most of us complained constantly about the garbage to her, to the mayor, and to 3-1-1. None of them gave a damn. Things have gotten worse and worse since Fife’s fellow wokester, Thao, took over and practically stopped cleaning up Oakland, instead preferring to pump the city’s scarce resources into “equity.” Yet miraculously, the scales have lately fallen from Carroll Fife’s eyes. “Praise Huey Newton!” she cries, arms lifted heavenward. “I can see again!”

The woman is absolutely insane. A nut job of the first order. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t give a damn; she’d be just another ranter, wandering through traffic, peeling scabs off her ankles and screaming at phantasms. But this whack job is actually on the City Council, where she spends our money on her lunatic schemes. And she’s conniving to get re-elected. It’s like having Hannibal Lector run Oakland’s school lunch program.

“It feels intentional,” says Fife of the garbage she found all over Wood Street. “I’m just wondering …”. So are we, Madame City Council person, so are we.

Steve Heimoff