Let the games begin!

Here we go: the next episode of “Reparations” began over the weekend, with the release of the California Reparations Task Force’s report on what kind of financial handout Black Californians should get.

The total value of the package, according to the Task Force itself, is $800 billion. It’s easy to see why the Task Force took so long (two years) to finally issue the report. They got really bogged down in details. For instance, they determined that every Black person should get $115,250 (no more, no less) for “mass incarceration and overpolicing in Black communities.” Of course, they failed to mention that the major cause for this “mass incarceration” and “overpolicing” is the number of crimes committed by Black people. The Task Force also discovered that Black Californians are entitled to $148,099 each because of “redlining” (although how they arrived at that specific number is a mystery).

But wait, there’s more! The Task Force decided to give Black people exactly $13,619 for each year they’ve lived in California. That’s because of “discrimination from medical workers” and “greater exposure to environmental pollution.” (I’ve lived in California for 45 years. If I were Black, I’d be entitled to $612,855.)

The $800 billion total package price sounds ridiculous, but it will rise even higher, “as new evidence [of alleged harm] becomes available.” In other words, the amount will probably exceed $1 trillion; even now, ongoing reparations bureaucrats are looking under every rock, seeking more instances of discrimination and White supremacy.

If this reparations scheme actually is approved, there’s one man who will bear ultimate responsibility: Gov. Gavin Newsom, who could kill it with one stroke of his veto pen. He hasn’t indicated yet where he stands on this issue, but he’s got to be thinking about it a lot. If he truly has national ambitions, then does he want to be known as the Reparations Candidate? He couldn’t get elected dogcatcher with that label. On the other hand, Newsom could have his own Sister Soljah moment,the way Bill Clinton did when he was running for President in 1992 and criticized the Black hip hop singer, Sister Souljah, for her decidedly racist and intemperate remarks. That gave Clinton enough cred among moderates to get him elected. Newsom, who’s perceived nationally as a wild-eyed progressive, actually is considerably more moderate than people think; vetoing an awful reparations package could convince centrists that voting for him for President is a safe option.

The media is pushing this reparations scheme with everything they’ve got. The public is going to be told they’re horrible racists if they’re against it. But don’t be fooled. In its current form, this proposal is insane. It’s down to pure politics, and we’ve got to muster our resources and tell the Governor that we’re here, and we vote! Here’s his contact information:

Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841

Unfortunately, his office doesn’t accept email comments because of the risk of viruses. But it’s easy enough to call them and let them know that you’re against this crazy-expensive reparations scheme!

Steve Heimoff