Our Ms. Brooks, or The Lies of the Woke

I walked over to Chinatown on Saturday to get some dumplings at my favorite place, Ming’s Tasty (best har gow in town), and was immediately struck by the bigger-than-usual security presence. A group of six orange-vested neighborhood volunteers walked slowly and watchfully down Tenth Street, looking for signs of trouble. Across from the restaurant, in front of Pacific Renaissance Plaza, was parked a big white truck, with the Oakland Police Department shield on the driver’s door and TACTICAL OPERATIONS in big black letters on the cab. Given Gov. Newsom’s Thursday deployment of California Highway Patrol officers to Oakland, I assumed that there was plenty of other law enforcement in Chinatown, perhaps in plain clothes, or in helicopters, or cruising in unmarked cars, maybe watching from rooftops or unmanned drones.

Needless to say, the cop hater, Cat Brooks, was outraged by Newsom’s wise and necessary decision to deploy CHP, which he made in response to Chinatown’s anguished pleas for help. Within hours of the announcement, Brooks, the fuehress of the Anti Police-Terror Project, announced a rally, set for today, “to condemn the decision by Libby Schaaf and Gavin Newsom to bring in CHP to patrol Oakland’s streets.”

Let’s interpret Brooks’s inane statement for what it is: apparently, she’s in favor of crime, particularly in Chinatown. Does she enjoy seeing elderly Asians brutalized by thugs, knocked to the ground and robbed? Maybe she thinks of it as redistribution of wealth. What other explanation can there be for “condemning” law enforcement in a crime-ridden city?

I’m sure Ms. Brooks will say, Oh, we deplore violence. We love our Asian sisters and brothers and all POC. We’re all sweetness and light over here at the Anti Police-Terror Project. Stop by for cookies!

Don’t buy it. Brooks and her little cult are a clear and present danger to public safety in our city, a radical fifth column hellbent on overthrowing our government and establishing a fascist autocracy of the left, no different in horrors from the Jan. 6 insurrectionists of the right. At a time when backlash to the City Council’s disastrous June 24 vote to defund OPD is mounting, with the Defunding Six (Kaplan, Bas, Fife, Thao, Kalb and Gallo) dodging the press to avoid having to answer embarrassing questions, here’s Brooks doubling down on cop bashing. It’s outrageous, but I take comfort in the fact that the People of Oakland are increasingly aware of the Lies of the Woke. They see the steady erosion of our quality of life, as the city enters into a spiral of deterioration. They hear the delusional rantings of Brooks and her cadre, and where once they might have had a certain degree of sympathy, they’re increasingly shaking their heads and asking, “What the hell is wrong with that person?”

Good question. Fortunately, we don’t have to wade through Cat Brooks’s mind to figure her out. All we need to do is trounce her in public opinion, which we’re doing, and send the message to her confederates in government: Remain woke at the risk of your political career!

 Steve Heimoff