Pamela Price recall on fast track. Tick tick tick…

To get a sense of how negatively people in Alameda County view Pamela Price, visit the Twitter page of the Alameda County District Attorney’s office and read the comments. They’re almost 100% critical. Here’s a representative sample:

Does she ever take her hair hat to the dry cleaners?

When we will see a statement declaring that if you've committed multiple murders, Pam Price will bundle them so you can get a much lower price to pay?

She’ll talk for hours about that, and for nada about mass murderers she won’t prosecute.

THIS JUST IN: There will be a rally at Oakland's main courthouse by Lake Merritt on Saturday at noon organized by the Mesui family. They are upset about the 9-year plea deal put forward by DA Pamela Price for the fatal shootings of brothers Suiti + Manase.

Madam Price, First of Her Name, Ignorer of Ethics, Silencer of Press, Lover of Murderers, #PPriceDoesNotCare has given a strangulating killer a voluntary manslaughter plea with no jail/prison time because, "he's reformed". Murder is now free.

Pamela Price is an anti-Asian bigot.

Can you actually start prosecuting real crime, like those 9 juveniles who committed 35 robberies and burglaries??

Arrest her for those cheap wigs

We look forward to the same level of concern and energy from the DA’s office toward charging and pushing for maximum sentences for those who are destroying the quality of life in Alameda Co. Start with the monster who shot and killed the Home Depot security guard.

Can you post one of these videos next time you incarcerate a repeat offender who is ruining the quality of life of Alameda County residents?

Pamela Price is a clown.

I’m not justifying the comments about Price’s wigs, but am including them because they testify to the personal anger people feel toward “Madame D.A.” How can you not take it personally when a racist District Attorney treats murderers so cavalierly, especially when/because they’re people of color?

We have no idea how Price is internally processing this civic uprising against her. Other than releasing a few self-justifying videos defending herself, Price has remained largely silent (and since she made her personal Twitter page off-limits to anyone except her friends, we can’t even see that). But I would issue this warning to Price, in a friendly way: You better take this seriously. With every ruling, you’re further alienating the good people of Alameda County. Remember Chesa Boudin. What happened to him can, and almost certainly will, happen to you.

The petition to recall Madame D.A. is already out there. It’s worth reading in full, because it does a good job summarizing the awful things she’s done since taking office. In just six short months, Price has been her own worst enemy, repeatedly misjudging public opinion and flouting the rule of law. I suppose she tells herself that she knew she’d run into flak as soon as she started going soft on murderers. But I wonder if she understood that the recall movement would begin so strongly and quickly.

The latest action demanding Price’s recall took place on Saturday, when the Mesui family and friends held a demonstration outside the Alameda County Superior Courthouse. As protests go, this one was small; only about a half-dozen people participated. Still, that was enough to make KTVU TV’s morning news yesterday (and Yahoo! News picked up on the story).

This only adds to the public perception that, in Price, we have a rogue District Attorney, fueled by irrational rage and hatred of the police, who is endangering the health and safety of the residents of Alameda County.

Building a viable movement against Price will take time, as it did in the case of Chesa Boudin. But the recall Price movement is on the fast track. Although major news outlets like Price and mistrust the police, even they are being forced to cover developments; and rest assured, any time Pamela Price is in the news, it isn’t good for her. The more people see her, the more they’re reminded how much they dislike her.

By the way, it’s not just Madame D.A. who’s complicit in letting killers off the hook. Let’s not forget her staff of Deputy and Assistant District Attorneys. One of the first things Price did on taking office was to purge the ADAs who actually tried to enforce the law. That eliminated the only people who might have stopped her. The remaining ADAs have little interest in protecting the public. When we recall Price and replace her with someone on our—the People’s—side, we’ll demand that the new D.A. get rid of the groveling sellouts who remain.  

 Steve Heimoff