Price’s “ethnic fundamentalism” similar to White Christian Nationalism

The phrase “ethnic fundamentalism” is used by historians to describe Nazi Germany’s political orientation, which took many forms during Hitler’s twelve years of power. Part of ethnic fundamentalism was anti-semitism, of course, and a belief that non-Aryans were biologically inferior. Part was Josef Goebbels’ propaganda machine, which convinced ordinary Germans that Hitler’s word was divine. And part was the myth that the Nazis represented the will of the universe and had “God on their side,” so to speak.

We see these same aspects in modern wokeness and particularly in Madame District Attorney, Pamela Price. The “ethnic” part of her fundamentalism is her partiality to anything she believes is helpful to Black people (whose mirror image is antipathy toward White people and especially cops). The “fundamentalism” part of her ideology lies in her Goebbels-like conviction that she cannot be wrong—that she is here to interpret God’s will (or the will of the universe) and therefore anyone who disagrees with her is standing athwart History. Pamela Price is, in short, very similar to those Christian fundamentalists who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible.

It is this ethnic fundamentalism that leads Price so astray when it comes to protecting public safety. District Attorneys are supposed to protect us, the public, from menacing criminals, not push their particular ideologies. Price’s particular ideology, as we all know, is racially-based. Nothing wrong with her trying to help her people (we all do that in one way or another), but there has to be a line between one’s personal beliefs and the job description one is hired to fulfill. Price doesn’t know where that line is; indeed, she never has. So deeply embedded is she in her Black Panther ideology that years ago she stopped caring about being impartial and made the unfortunate decision to be an ethnic fundamentalist.

This is why a judge just threw out Price’s misconduct case against Butch Ford, the former deputy district attorney whom Price unfairly fired last Spring after Ford had the gall to speak out against Price’s ethnic fundamentalism. He objected to her refusal to use enhancements to make prosecuting criminals easier, and was an early supporter of her recall. He objected to her lies and cavalier treatment of her staff. Butch Ford was far ahead of the public when he criticized his boss. We now all know that Price is angry and contemptuous and, like all ideologues who achieve power, will use that power for nefarious purposes.

Someday there will be a Wikipedia entry on Price that begins, “Disgraced former District Attorney of Alameda County, recalled from office by voters after repeatedly undermining public safety.” After she’s recalled, I wish Price well, but while she’s in office, I’ll do my best to promote her recall.

Have a good, safe weekend!

Steve Heimoff