By Citizen’s Arrest, I hereby file charges against C. Fife, N.F. Bas, S. Thao, C. Brooks, R. Kaplan and D. Kalb for the attempted murder of the City of Oakland.

With malice aforethought, they conspired to kill Oakland, in order to enrich themselves, weaken the city, and propagate a woke political ideology that would elevate them in power. 

By their actions, defendants have caused irreparable harm to the City of Oakland.

They have compelled businesses to leave town, and prevented other businesses from moving to Oakland, thereby jeopardizing the city’s economic base.

They have sat idly while Downtown has turned into a third-world basket case.

They have done nothing to counter the criminals and psychopaths who wander our streets and jeopardize our safety and peace of mind.

They have forced middle class residents to flee town, causing housing prices to plummet and entire neighborhoods to suffer the depredations of crime and deterioration.

They have failed to address the encampment situation; indeed, they haven’t even pretended to break up encampments, which continue to plague our streets and parks, despite the existence of an Encampment Management Policy.

They have caused a dramatic decrease in the morale of the Oakland Police Department.

They have repeatedly tried to defund the Oakland Police Department, or to adequately fund it. OPD is operating with hundreds of fewer sworn officers than are needed, and yet the defendants refuse to address this issue.

They have wantonly and deliberately damaged the national and international reputation of Oakland.

They have consistently unheeded the voices of ordinary Oaklanders, who have urged them to address our city’s problems. At the same time, they have catered to the radical left, whose grievances are never-ending, and who offer no solutions to Oakland’s problems, except to further tax the already-stretched middle class.

They have created layers of impenetrable bureaucracies that no one understands, that are answerable to no one, and that siphon off public funds in unaccountable, untraceable ways.

They have fooled the voters of Oakland by promises they never had any intention of keeping—promises made simply to get them elected or re-elected.

They have spread false and misleading propaganda with the intention of confusing and alienating the People of Oakland.

They have associated with the most deplorable elements in our society—elements which approve of violence against public order, the abolition of all police, the opening of all prisons, and a violent revolution to overturn our democratic form of government.

They have divided the people of Oakland by race and income levels, thereby fomenting disorder, anger and an absence of tranquil compromise, which is the only way a society can peacefully function.

In attempting all the above, they have tried to assassinate the City of Oakland. Fortunately, the City still breathes, but just barely. If left to their own devices, these violent anarchists will make further attempts to murder Oakland. For this reason, they must be stopped.

I declare all the above assertions to be true.

Steve Heimoff, Citizen of Oakland