Thanks to Gov. Newsom and CHP, crime is down in Oakland (but no credit to Thao)

While Thao is out there taking credit for lower crime statistics in Oakland, the rest of us know why crime is down: Because Gov. Newsom sent in the cavalry, in the form of the California Highway Patrol. The latest numbers prove what an overwhelming success this has been: CHP “has made 329 arrests, recovered 606 stolen vehicles and seized 35 firearms in two months,” Newsom announced yesterday.

Of course, we can only hope these 329 arrests lead to jail terms for the perps (assuming they’re guilty), and that Madame District Attorney doesn’t let them all go free. But what a start! We should all thank the Governor from the bottom of our hearts for what he’s done.

He didn’t have to, you know. This Governor is averse to favoring one city over another. When he sent in the troops to help Oakland, I assume he heard from plenty of other California mayors: “Hey, we have a crime problem too. How about helping us?” But Newsom held steady. I’m not sure I understand his fondness for Oakland (he doesn’t really have roots here) but I’m glad he cares, and that he made the decision to take a political risk for us.

By the way, CHP’s stunning success demonstrates two things that progressives hate to acknowledge: that the number of cops on the streets is directly related to reductions in crime, and that the shackling of OPD by the Police Commission and City Council is criminal negligence. CHP is not under the supervision of either agency, much to the chagrin of police haters such as Carroll Fife and Nikki Bas. They both wish CHP would knuckle under to them, but CHP reports to Gov. Newsom, who’s as far from woke as a Democrat can get, and not (thankfully) to the Oakland City Council. That grinding sound you hear is Oakland progressives gnashing their teeth because they can’t bear to see an effective anti-crime posse in town.

Consider Cat Brooks, whom we haven’t talked about for a while. She hasn’t been much in the news lately, but she’s out there every day, spinning her web of racist, anti-police lies. Here’s what she said when Newsom first sent in CHP, earlier this year. "When will our elected officials start making data driven decisions to address violence and increase public safety in our communities? Governor Newsom’s decision to send California Highway Patrol Officers to Oakland is not rooted in effective violence prevention policies or data, but rather is a lazy attempt to suggest action while endangering the people of Oakland."

Data-driven? Ms. Brooks, here’s data for you. Three-hundred twenty nine arrests means 329 thugs no longer on the streets to prey on us. Thirty-five seized guns means 35 fewer weapons in the hands of sociopaths. I suppose it makes you very sad to see the law finally enforced. Perhaps you can start a GoFundMe for the 329 perps.

As for Brooks calling Gov. Newsom “lazy,” talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Newsom is famous for his grindingly hard work ethic. While he’s running the world’s fourth-largest economy, where is Cat Brooks? Babbling on social media about “equity” and “social justice,” terms that mean nothing to most people, except more crime, more blight, more degradation. Here she is again ad nauseum, on CHP:“I am terrified for the people of Oakland. California Highway Patrol is an agency marred with countless instances of racial profiling, harassment, assault and murder against Black and Brown Californians.” Is it possible to sue this wretched person for slander against the police? And another question: Why doesn’t everyone in Oakland shout from their windows, “Shut up, Brooks!”

Steve Heimoff