Thao Fires Chief Armstrong

I don’t suppose anyone is surprised to hear that Thao has sacked the Chief. Thao has been a cop hater since day one. A self-professed “progressive,” she repeatedly tried to defund the police, despite warnings that to do so would further endanger the people of Oakland. When she was on the City Council, she allied with Carroll Fife, the leading cop hater on the Council, and her underling, Nikki Bas, and also affiliated with the biggest cop hater of them all, Cat Brooks. Together, these people led assaults on the Oakland Police Department and refused to do anything about homelessness. They and their allies plunged Oakland into the crisis we see today.

It’s my understanding that the majority of citizens who contacted Thao about this matter told her to reinstate the Chief immediately. Instead, Thao gave them the big middle finger. She cares more about her woke ideology, with its resentment of police, than she does about decency, public safety, or the morale of OPD. Let me make this clear: Thao has declared war on the police and on the rest of us who want a safe, crimeless city. We have no choice but to fight back.

If you’re as upset about this as I think you are, what can you do about it? Never Forget! Get more active than ever. Understand, more clearly than ever, that these anti-cop wokes are not your friends. They have no interest other than to get re-elected and pander their race-based ideology to credulous voters.

Oakland has had ten police chiefs in the last ten years, and every one of them was fired or removed by the progressive wokes on the City Council, in the Mayor’s Office, and on the rogue Police Commission. They did so in order to hurt the police department; every time something happened within OPD, they hyped it into a major scandal, while OPD’s tormenters, Orrick and Warshaw, used it to further oppress OPD and, at the same time, keep their fat paychecks coming. Clearly this turmoil is sapping the ability of the police to protect us. It will become harder and harder to recruit and retain officers: who wants to work in such an insane town? These cop-haters will accept no one as Chief of Police who doesn’t bow down to their violent wokeism. Maybe they’d be happy with Cat Brooks as Chief, I don’t know, but they’re determined to crush OPD, and they’ll never stop until the department lays bloody and prostate on the street and criminals are running rampant.

I have less than zero sympathy for anyone who voted for these wokes who subsequently becomes a victim of violent crime in Oakland. My God, how long will the voters of Oakland continue to be fooled by these charlatans? Wake up, folks! For that matter, what in God’s name is wrong with the unions? What do they think they’re doing, pouring money into abysmally unqualified radicals most of their members despise?

Should you be angry? Damned straight. We have our work cut for us, friends. We’ll continue to rally for decency, safety and sanity in Oakland, no matter whom we upset. They’ll call us racists and all kinds of other nasty words, but our heart is pure, our conscience clean. We fight for an Oakland we can love and be proud of. Sheng Thao is not part of that vision.

Steve Heimoff