Thao, read the comments on your Twitter Feed: The people hate you!

Sheng Thao is now an extension of the Oakland Roots. She’s glued herself so thoroughly to them that you might be forgiven for thinking she’s on the team.

Her twitter feed, which she uses for self-flattering propaganda, lately is Roots all the time. One day she’s posing for photos at the Coliseum with Roots players, and a stupidly-grinning Bas and Kaplan by her side. Next day she’s telling us how the Roots “radiate Oakland pride.” Over at Facebook, she’s telling her “friends” to buy Roots tickets.

Only one problem: the people aren’t buying it. With the posturing and inauthenticity Thao is known for, she’s turning off what few supporters she still has. Here are comments to her Twitter feed.

-That’s why you lost all 3 major sports teams. But hey now let’s show some support. Gotcha.

-At most, you'll have a couple of hundred people paying to watch ex-college athletes with a handful of former minor leaguers play ball in an empty stadium—nothing to celebrate.

-Will average probably 1000 fans a year

-Yes, just like going there to watch the Oakland A’s. Or the Oakland Raiders. Or the Golden State Warriors. Resign already. You are worse than the Australian break dance lady kangaroo-hopping around.

-Instead of posting warm and fuzzy posts about nothing, you could address the real issues, you vapid gaslighter.

 -You and a few other council members will be unemployed by the time they play so it doesn't matter.. how do you guys lose 3 teams

-Why do all you local politicians only show face with it’s something “positive”? Oakland isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. if you guys faced the music, yall probably wouldn’t be so hated.

-Shouldn’t you be focused on crime and corruption and the homeless? Oh wait! Yes! Oakland is now in the running for a minor league rugby team!! Who needs MLB and the NFL?!

-Actually today was a huge day for robbers in Oakland

-Sheng, you suck. RESIGN now or face a recall LANDSLIDE vote that will haunt your working life FOREVER.

-Imagine pawning an “icon” for a quick fix.

-Oakland HAD the best fans until you rooted them all out

-All shiny objects, no substance.

-Operation and maintenance costs will exceed revenue.

-More proof that you and the rest of politicians in Oakland never wanted the A’s to stay in Oakland.


I could post a lot more, and just in case you’re thinking I only picked the negative comments, there wasn’t a single positive one in her whole Twitter feed. Everybody sees through her vapid bullshit.

Look, Thao knows she’s going to be recalled by a landslide, and this Roots nonsense is just a Hail Mary. She’s hoping it will reverse public attitudes about her, but it’s doing the exact opposite: showing her as the plastic, cynical opportunist she’s always been. Mayor Thao, do you ever read the comments on any of your social media? How do they make you feel? Do you ever have the feeling that maybe, just maybe, you made a huuuugge mistake when you declared war on the Oakland Police Department? Do you regret being under-the-influence of a politician even more loathed than you, Carroll Fife? Have you ever considered making a formal apology to OPD and to the citizens of Oakland? Two simple words: “I’m sorry.” It won’t help you keep your job, but at least you could leave office with your head held high.

P.S. Let Thao’s experience be a warning to all other woke politicians: The voters are sick of you. Take your revolution and put it where the sun don’t shine.

 Steve Heimoff