The Price Recall: Alive and well!

I try to post five days a week, but there are slow-news days, and this is one of them. The one thing I’ll say is that the Price Recall is going well, as far as I can tell. To judge from social media, a majority of Alameda County voters are poised to bid Price good riddance. The comments on Twitter, Facebook, etc. are overwhelmingly in favor of the Recall. People are personally offended by her, not only because she has increased the danger level for us all, but because of the vengefulness and appalling obliviousness with which she practices her racist soft-on-crime policies. So please, when signature gatherers hit the streets (hopefully soon), sign up! Donate a little money to the Recall. Above all, talk to your friends and neighbors and urge them to sign the petition and vote YES on the Recall. We can do this!

Steve Heimoff