There she goes again: Thao insists “no police cuts” but she lies

The girl just can’t help herself. She’s lied so many times about not cutting OPD, it’s now instinctual. Like Pavlov’s dog, every time someone mentions OPD, Thao squeals, “No cuts! No cuts!”

Well, she must have a pretty low opinion of the voters’ intelligence. We know B.S. when we smell it—and the aroma emanating from Thao is downright putrid. Here’s her latest version, in an official statement from her office: “Mayor Thao is putting public safety at the forefront of her budget and NOT laying off any sworn personnel, including police officers and firefighters.” This was in response to reports that three young men were murdered within hours of each other on Monday morning, and questions about what she’s doing about it. (A fourth murder victim was reported yesterday.) Thao actually had the chutzpah to claim that “Since taking office…it has been a priority for the Thao Administration to increase the number of officers in the department, going from 690 officers (before she took office) to now 712 officers (as of 6/7/24)…”.

Maybe that once was true. But no longer. Thao’s proposed budget calls for only 678 officers, not 712 as she claims. She’s not telling that to the public because she’s afraid to, and also, maybe, ashamed. Thao has to reduce OPD’s size, because the unions ordered her to, and so did the racial activists who hate the police deep in their hearts (hello, Cat Brooks and Carroll Fife). Thao owes them both bigtime; one thing you can say for her is, she knows whose asses to kiss.

Let’s take a closer look at Thao’s proposed budget through 2025.

• It freezes 18 vacant, fulltime sworn officer positions, bringing the total to 678.

• It also freezes 38 fulltime, vacant staff positions, in divisions including Patrol, Crime Lab, and Criminal Investigation. (Next time your car is bipped and you call 9-1-1 and no one answers, don’t blame OPD. Blame Thao.)

OPD warns that freezing those 18 officer positions “will lead to fewer officers available citywide to respond to emergencies. Programs designed to support youth will be eliminated. Additionally, reduced efforts toward police public information may strain police-community relations and result in higher levels of fear and anxiety.” Also according to OPD, freezing those 38 staff positions will result in “slower access” to OPD processing evidence in cases, obtaining police reports, and responding to legal requests. “The elimination of 12% of OPD professional staff,” the department warns, “may strain these relationships, particularly in communities already experiencing tense relationships with law enforcement.”

So here we are, entering a long, hot summer that would have been bad anyway, only now, if Thao has her way, it will be much worse. You think tensions are high now in East and West Oakland? Just wait until the dog days of August. It’s appalling and, frankly, unpatriotic for Shao to try to defund OPD. Honestly, I can’t think of any reason why any Oakland voter would not want to recall Sheng Thao.

What can you do? Tell your city council person NO CUTS TO OPD! Tell them loud and clear. And remind them that you vote!

 Steve Heimoff