This Karen hates cops

Do you know why radicals like Carroll Fife and Cat Brooks hate Chief Armstrong? Because he’s a strong, decent Black man who was bringing together the Black community and the police. Fife-Brooks hated that. They prefer to drive wedges between the Black community and the police. The Chief is a uniter. Fife-Brooks are dividers of the worst type. They can sustain their careers only by stirring up anger, hatred and resentment.

Now we come to this picture of a White woman holding that sign. I can’t help but wonder what she would do if she was mugged or carjacked. She would get on her phone as fast as possible and call 9-1-1. She would turn to the only source in a position to help her: the Oakland Police Department.

I don’t know the woman’s name, so let’s call her Karen. Let’s also break down the allegations on her little sign.

“Prisons are violent.” I’m sure they are. But why? Because they’re filled with violent people who can’t get along with their neighbors. Anybody who kills, assaults, mugs, robs, carjacks, etc. is by definition violent. Non-violent people generally don’t end up in prison. So whose fault is it that prisons are violent? The prisoners’. If you don’t want to get thrown into a violent environment, then obey the law.

“Police are dangerous.” This is true only for perps who try to escape or resist arrest. If you don’t want to get tackled or tased by cops, then don’t resist them. Obey. You’ll have your day in court. (Yes, there are exceptions, but they’re rare, and growing increasingly rarer.)

“Courts are unsafe.” How’s that? Courts are the safest places in America! You’re in a courthouse filled with armed cops. Which is safer, the Alameda County Court House or International Boulevard at 2 a.m.?

“Surveillance is criminal.” Let’s get real: surveillance is a necessary tool that police use to prevent and/or solve crimes. Police use surveillance techniques under the strictest legal scrutiny. Anyone who’s against surveillance is in favor of crime.

“ABOLISH the prison-industrial complex.” This is straight out of the Cat Brooks anarchist-Black Panther playbook. If Karen got her wish and the jails were opened and all the prisoners freed, Karen would be hiding under her bed, afraid to leave the house.

What is wrong with these Karens? Are they mentally deranged, or just useful idiots? The answer is partially explained by the man in the picture. That’s Tur-ha Ak, the partner of City Council member Carroll Fife. Mr. Ak is the guy who’s been accused of physically assaulting our friend Vincent Williams, the founder of The Urban Compassion Project. Mr. Ak is associated with the Anti Police-Terror Project, the brainchild of Cat Brooks. There is no such thing as “the prison-industrial complex,” as Karen asserts. What there is in Oakland is a Fife-Brooks-Ak-Thao criminal-radical complex that seeks to abolish the police and allow criminals to prey on us. This complex issues propaganda that intellectually vulnerable people like Karen fall for. That’s the only conclusion I can come to when I wonder why the Karens of Oakland believe such nonsense.

We have got to refute Karen’s absurd allegations whenever and wherever they pop up, and we have to do so in the strongest terms. Let’s not get race-shamed into silence. You know as well as I that Karen is wrong. I’m not saying she’s evil, but her assumptions are dangerous, and if her side were to assume total power (which they’re trying to do), there would be a lot of suffering. The reason why the Coalition for a Better Oakland exists is because no other group is standing up for law, order, decency and common sense, framed within traditional liberal values. No other group is attempting to refute the anti-police propaganda of the wokes. We’re proud to do so, and we invite everyone to join our common cause!

P.S. Yesterday’s rally for Chief Armstrong, organized by the NAACP, was amazing. Hundreds of passionate people showed up to support our beleaguered Chief and to demand that Thao reinstate him immediately or face recall! I wish all of you could have been there. (Of course, the woke San Francisco Chronicle completely ignored it.) There will be more rallies going forward. Congratulations to the Oakland and San Francisco chapters of the NAACP for this superb event, and to the men and women of God who are driving it!

Steve Heimoff