Welcome to OPD's new officer graduates!

The Coalition for a Better Oakland congratulates the graduates of the 193rd Oakland Police Department Academy. These young women and men will join a force dedicated to protecting the peace and harmony of our beloved city.

A formal graduation ceremony will be held today, starting at 10 a.m. at the Scottish Rite Center on Lakeshore Drive, across the street from beautiful Lake Merritt. The public is invited to attend.

To all the new grads, we know how hard your new job will be. Everyday you go to work, you put your lives at risk. Some Oaklanders—not a majority, we’re sure—look at you with resentment, or worse. An anti-cop attitude has been inculcated by unscrupulous politicians for decades. We believe that attitude is changing, and we hope we’ve been part of the reason why.

You have our respect. We honor you and the noble profession you have chosen. We hope you have long, healthy careers at OPD, if that’s what you choose. Just know that we and thousands of other honest, decent Oaklanders welcome you and pray for your safety.

 Steve Heimoff