Who is William H. Orrick III?

William H. Orrick III seems to be a liberal Democrat with impeccable credentials, whom I would otherwise respect except for what can only be described as his obsessive war against the Oakland Police Department. I can conclude only that Orrick, once he became OPD’s overseer in 2017, became drunk with power, and also was influenced by the far-left, anti-police wing of the Democratic Party—the woke wing that has turned so many Americans off.

Orrick is now in his 10th year as District Court Judge for the U.S. Northern California District, to which he was nominated by President Obama, who called him a “distinguished public servant.” (Orrick’s father, William H. Orrick, Jr., had held the same position.) He was confirmed in the U.S. Senate on a party line (Democratic) vote. Judge Orrick will be 70 years old this May.

Orrick assumed his position as overseer of the Oakland Police Department in 2017, following the retirement of Judge Thelton Henderson. Orrick’s partner in overseeing OPD has been Robert Warshaw, who is not a judge but a private citizen. Together, they have kept a heavy foot on OPD’s neck. Orrick has occasionally said he’s satisfied with OPD’s progress in complying with the Negotiated Settlement Agreement, but he often changes his mind after something is reported that upsets him, as, for instance, the latest faux scandal that got Chief Armstrong put on paid leave.

We can debate the facts of that situation, especially whether what Armstrong did or didn’t do rises to the level of misconduct, which even John Burris says doesn’t. The NAACP and much of the AAPI community also believe Chief Armstrong is being hounded by Orrick and Warshaw. Orrick remains so biased against OPD that he’s likely to extend the Negotiated Settlement Agreement into its 21st year.

I believe that Orrick has become psychologically obsessed with this case. He’s become the poster child for a liberal Democrat sliding into woke insanity. Just last Fall he was suggesting that he was so pleased with OPD’s progress, he thought he would lift the NSA within a year. Then this incident happened. What was it? A minor automobile collision in a parking garage in which no one was hurt. An officer accidentally discharging his gun in a secure elevator at Police Headquarters. Trivial stuff. Yet Orrick is treating it as though the Sergeant in question conducted a mass shooting. And naturally, the anti-cop forces, haters such as Cat Brooks and Pamela Price, will use Orrick as an excuse to demand the demolition of the Oakland Police Department—especially given the post-Memphis anti-police hysteria sweeping the media.

“Significant cultural problems remain unaddressed” at OPD, Orrick said last week. What does this mean? Surely, how one views OPD as a whole depends on one’s underlying assumptions; it’s a Rorschach test. Orrick is inclined, as a liberal Democrat, to believe that police are inherently biased. He’s inclined to believe they protect each other by not reporting bad behavior. He’s inclined to believe they’re racists and inherently violent. If that were indeed the “culture” at OPD, it would scream out for repair. But that isn’t the culture; it’s a figment of Orrick’s imagination. He is demanding something approaching perfection from each of OPD’s officers (and, I suppose, support staff as well). Perfection will never be achieved, by any human being at any time, now or in the future. At some point, Orrick and Warshaw have to give OPD a break. But they don’t seem likely to, because of their shared obsession. Which is why it’s up to us, the people, to tell both these gentlemen, Enough! You have inflicted too much damage for you to remain in power! Be gone, and let us be.

Steve Heimoff