Wokespeak, deciphered

“Wokespeak” is a language in which words are used to deceive. As Gore Vidal noted, “Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it.” In another historical context, “The Nazis upheld a deeply veiled language, which they used to hide their vicious goals and deceive their victims.” “Resettlement to the east” actually meant death camps. “Showers” actually meant Zyklon B.

In Wokespeak, words similarly are employed to hide nefarious motives and confound simple, gullible voters. Here is a lexicon of common Wokespeak words and phrases, together with their actual meanings. (Thanks to the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, in Oakland, for inspiration.)

Black Panther Party. The model for society. Male-centered and violent.

Carceral system. The prisons and jails, i.e., places where we send bad people for their crimes.

Community, The. Pertaining to the woke left, its supporters and beneficiaries. Everyone else excluded.

Displacement. When somebody can pay more for a home in your neighborhood than you can. See Gentrification.

Equity. No one can have more than anyone else.

Formerly incarcerated. Ex-con.

Gentrification. The historo-evolutionary process of neighborhoods getting better. See Displacement.

Housing rights. The theory that anyone who wants a home can have one regardless of ability to pay.

Juvenile justice. No person under the age of 25 shall be prosecuted as a criminal.

Liberation. The freedom to break the law and societal norms without suffering consequences.

Meaningful change. Creating jobs in the grievance industry so that wokesters can make money.

Neighborhood safety. Divesting from law enforcement; no arrests, no prosecutions for criminal activity.

Police brutality. When cops defend themselves against violent resisters.

Policing systems. “The pig.” Racist thugs who brutalize communities of color. Must be ended. See Carceral system.

Race-based violence. Cops shooting criminals of color who resist being detained.

Reimagining Safety. Defunding the police.

Reinvestment. Taking money from productive people and communities and giving it to woke politicians.

Restorative justice. Letting criminals out of jail.

Safety. An existential condition in which drug dealers, pimps, traffickers, side-showers and other denizens feel free to practice their trade.

Systemic racism. The allegation that too many people of color are poor and in prison because White people hate them.

Violence prevention. Government programs that siphon money to social schemes with no transparency or accountability.

Visionary. Adjective; used by wokes to describe their agenda. Everything else is blinkered and short-sighted.

READERS: If you have additional words or phrases, let me know! Thanks.

Steve Heimoff