The more I study the ideological sources of such leftwing politicians as Pamela Price, Carroll Fife, Nikki Bas and Cat Brooks, the more deeply I understand just how radical they are. They’ll never admit it publicly, but what these people want is a revolution in America, no less thorough than our original Revolutionary War, in which our nation’s entire structure is overturned, to be replaced by a Black-led dictatorship in which Whiteness is considered at best a disease, at worst a crime.
Why can't store employees confront shoplifters?
Dave Cortese is a Democratic State Senator representing California’s 15th District (Silicon Valley). He came up politically in the rough-and-tumble of San Jose politics. He’s a more or less standard liberal Democrat, although like most of his party in California he’s wandered into full-blown wokeness with his focus on “restorative justice” and “fighting systematic inequities,” and with his work “to halt the incarceration of offenders under 13 years of age at Juvenile Hall.” (This is very much in line with the thinking of such notables as Pamela Price.) Gov. Newsom signed into law Cortese’s 2021 Juvenile Justice Diversion bill (SB 383), “with an aim of shifting the focus of our justice system from incarceration to rehabilitation.” In announcing his bill, Cortese said, “Every child deserves the opportunity to attain rehabilitation as an alternative to prolonged incarceration.”
We don't lack the means to fight crime. We lack the will
Kudos to Oaklandside’s reporter, Eli Wolfe, for writing this lengthy analysis of why fighting crime in Oakland is so hard. It makes for fascinating reading, but it’s also frustrating, because, as Eli notes, every time there’s a common sense solution for a problem, there emerge multiple reasons why that solution can’t be deployed.
The Price Recall: Alive and well!
I try to post five days a week, but there are slow-news days, and this is one of them. The one thing I’ll say is that the Price Recall is going well, as far as I can tell. To judge from social media, a majority of Alameda County voters are poised to bid Price good riddance. The comments on Twitter, Facebook, etc. are overwhelmingly in favor of the Recall. People are personally offended by her, not only because she has increased the danger level for us all, but because of the vengefulness and appalling obliviousness with which she practices her racist soft-on-crime policies. So please, when signature gatherers hit the streets (hopefully soon), sign up! Donate a little money to the Recall. Above all, talk to your friends and neighbors and urge them to sign the petition and vote YES on the Recall. We can do this!
Steve Heimoff
"Our children"? "Our babies"? No, they're feral monsters
BART has new posters in the stations touting the system’s efforts to “boost safety and prevent harassment.” The posters inform us of BART’s new “Transit Ambassadors” who “are trained in anti-bias and de-escalation techniques.” I have a question for BART: What the hell do “anti-bias techniques” have to do with keeping passengers safe and less harassed?