Brooks encourages “property destruction” by violent rioters

Cat Brooks is getting bolder by the day. Memphis encouraged and empowered her. She’s using the incident to raise her profile—and to raise money. Her latest tweet is her most insane yet, in which she defends property damage by her supporters when they protest.

Here’s the tweet: “I don’t consider property destruction violence. Violence is when you attack a person or another living, breathing creature on this planet. Windows don’t cry and they can’t die.”

Does anyone have Cat Brooks’ home address? Maybe we should publicize it! Lest Brooks and her cohorts accuse me of inciting violence against Cat Brooks’ home, that’s not at all what I’m doing. I hate violence! I’m just pointing out the absurdity and danger of her remarks. What would Brooks do if every window in her house were smashed by rocks thrown by pro-police crowds? She’d call the cops, is what she’d do—yes, the same Oakland cops she’d love to abolish. And the police would come and protect Cat Brooks’ property anyway, even though they know she hates them.

Brooks’ rhetoric is, in fact, the real incitement to violence, as well as its justification. It’s merely an updated version of the old Black Panther slogan, “By any means necessary.” These wannabe revolutionaries used the phrase to argue that civil rights (or their version of it) was so necessary to achieve that any act of violence, even murder, could be justified. I haven’t heard Brooks call for anyone’s murder (but pardon me for suspecting that she would not rule out liquidating her enemies, should she have that opportunity). But her claim that property destruction is not violence is, obviously, insane and irresponsible thinking (if it can even be called “thinking”), and all Americans should be alarmed whenever they hear someone with political power say it.

Cat Brooks wants no less than a political revolution by any means necessary. So do Pamela Price, Carroll Fife, Nikki Bas, Sheng Thao and all of the other police haters. There can be no doubt that they loathe our democracy and wish to overthrow and replace it with—what? An authoritarian, far-leftwing form of socialist income redistribution, run by them and funded by massive government giveaways to “marginalized” groups, the money to be siphoned away from the middle classes. These people keep getting elected in Oakland and Alameda County because “useful idiots”—the phrase attributed to Lenin—keep voting for them. These voters are “useful” because they’re suckers for the propaganda that racial progressives are so deft at crafting. They’re “idiots” because the propaganda is a lie, and they don’t have the intellectual capacity to realize they’re being lied to. Sadly, Oakland and Alameda County have far too many useful idiots for the common good.

Imagine if Brooks’ dystopian vision came true. There would be far more riots in Oakland, not only downtown but in Temescal, Rockridge, Grand Lake, Fruitvale and other neighborhoods. The rioters would smash car windows and store windows, set fires, invade dispensaries and other shops, imperil innocent civilians who happened to be on the street, and destroy entire neighborhoods. The Oakland Police Department—already stripped to the bone by Brooks’ menials on the City Council—would be powerless to do anything. The District Attorney, Pamela Price, would announce that she’s not prepared to prosecute social justice activists who were merely demanding justice.

Doesn’t that sound like a pretty picture?

With last November’s local elections, these progressive loonies are now running the asylum. Citizens ought to be forewarned. This blog will do its best to keep the issue alive, including whenever Price (who has now begun her purge of Alameda County cops) lets criminals go free.

Steve Heimoff