It's the little things...

Life in Oakland is hard enough without people making it harder than it has to be. Here are some small things you can do, or not do, that will improve the lives of your neighbors and friends or, at least, not make them worse.

Clean up after your dog.

Don’t litter.

Don’t disrupt the neighborhood with sideshows and blasting car stereos.

If you absolutely must live in a tent, for God’s sake keep the surroundings clean.

Don’t bring a full shopping cart through the express line at the supermarket. (Not the worst crime in the world, but an indication of disrespect for others.)

For that matter, don’t bring your dog into the supermarket just because you know no one will question you. Rude and unhygienic, and an insult to people who are truly disabled.

Clear the lint filter. Don’t make someone else clean up after you.

“Please” and “thank you” go a long way.

Don’t jump the fare gate on public transit.

Don’t blame others for your problems.

I’m sure there are many other little things that could be added to this list. If everybody adhered to this guidance, there would be less stress in Oakland. It really all comes down to the Golden Rule (and, let’s not forget, the Ten Commandments). Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Have a nice weekend!

Steve Heimoff