Brooks just can’t help herself

Here’s a recent tweet from the Anti Police-Terror Project’s very own Cat Brooks, disseminating, as usual, her incendiary untruths: “Brooke [Jenkins], [London] Breed, and the billionaires are calling for increased law & order in San Francisco while at the same time all but assuring the SFPD that they can kill, rape, maim, harm with impunity because Jenkins is not going to do anything about it.”

Hysterical, lying, provoking, angry, vengeful, brooding, calculating, paranoid, venomous--Cat Brooks just can’t help herself. What must it be like to live inside her head? Fortunately, we don’t have to undergo that traumatic experience. Through her public statements, Brooks tells us exactly where she’s at.

Let’s break her tweet down. It’s true that Jenkins and Breed are calling for “increased law and order,” but that’s what the people of San Francisco are calling for. Of course, Brooks doesn’t like law and order, because her constituency breaks the law with frenzied regularity. Everybody is calling for increased law and order except for agitators like Brooks and her criminal friends. The people of Oakland want increased law and order. The people of California want it, the people of America want it. Only Cat Brooks and her “progressives” don’t want law and order.

Now, how about those “billionaires”? I’m calling for increased law and order but, sadly, I’m not a billionaire, and neither are 99.99% of the people who want law and order. Do you see what Brooks is doing? First of all, she’s lying (which she’s addicted to), but she’s also using the old “divide and conquer” routine: making public safety a class issue, by pitting the common people against “billionaires.” Brooks plays these cards adroitly; she knows that most people harbor a grudge against the very rich, and she’s trying to use that grudge to deflect criticism of herself, who deserves it, and transfer it on to cops, who don’t. But rest assured, Cat Brooks and her movement are far more dangerous to the common people than billionaires. (By the way, George Soros is a billionaire, and it was his money that got Pamela Price elected.)

Now, onto the climax of Brooks’s rant: “…assuring the SFPD that they can kill, rape, maim, harm with impunity…”. Wow. Who is actually “killing, raping, maiming, and harming” people in Oakland? It’s not cops. It’s the sociopaths Brooks praises and make excuses for and wants to “decarcerate.” Whom do you fear when you’re walking down International Boulevard at midnight--the police, or the predators that infest East Oakland? If you fear the police more, then you’re literally insane. But then, sanity has never been required to be woke.

Cat Brooks and her ilk are afraid of Brooke Jenkins because the latter is a smart, determined, fair-minded Black woman who’s way more famous and respected than Cat Brooks will ever be. Brooks likes only Black people she can control, and she manifestly can’t control Jenkins. That’s why Brooks is out there propagandizing against a Pamela Price recall. Brooks has Price’s back; both were reared in the same Black Panther tradition, both are set on revolution for the hell of it. Brooks knows that if Price is recalled, she’ll be replaced by a tougher law-and-order D.A. whom Brooks doesn’t own. She knows, too, that her favorite constituents—yes, the maimers and killers--will be heading to jail, as soon as we overthrow this current mad regime and replace it with sane people.

 Steve Heimoff