Price is hiding her tweets. Why?

Up until yesterday morning, I’ve always been able to access Pamela Price’s Twitter feed even though I’m not a follower. Then, suddenly, I got this message:

These Tweets are protected

Only approved followers can see @PPriceCares’s Tweets.

I have never before seen an elected official block her tweets. It’s unprecedented. But I think I know why she’s done it. Price is on the defensive. She’s done awful things during her brief time in office, and she knows that she’s upset a lot people. So she’s gone incognito, as it were: shielding her tweets from the public that elected her and pays her salary. Pamela Price knows exactly who I am. She knows that her tweets have given me plenty of content for this blog. There’s no way she would ever approve me as a follower.

This is what happens in the End Game when corrupt public officials get caught: the Cover Up. Price hiding her tweets is the beginning of her effort to hide what she’s doing, but it won’t work. The media will out her, as it did in her horrible, offensive handling of the murder of little Jasper Wu, which has outraged so many people.

It’s not as if the District Attorney can operate in secrecy. Between the S.F. Chronicle, Mercury-News, Berkeley Scanner, Oaklandside, the broadcast local news stations, etc., there are a lot of talented, aggressive journalists out there. They tend to be woke, i.e., on Price’s side, but in the end, her misconduct will prove so egregious that they’ll have no choice but to report it. Once the media smells blood, they turn into a ravenous wolfpack. And let me tell you, the media smells Pamela Price’s blood.

We warned the public over and over before the election about the menace of Pamela Price. We forecast exactly what would happen: violent criminals let off the hook (especially people of color), hard-working Assistant DAs fired (with more resigning in protest), and a vengeful persecution of Price’s sworn enemy, police officers. The justice system in Alameda County is being shredded before our eyes, and America’s eyes, too. We have no choice but to fight against this abnormality.

Price’s morale was tremendously boosted by her election victory, after which she felt invincible. Her hour had come round at last! Now, she’s realizing that all is not as rosy as she assumed. What she won may be temporary. She is testing the limits of our endurance and is finding out that she has pushed us further than we’re willing to go. This is why she’s gone underground on Twitter. It’s the Cover Up. And it won’t work.

 Steve Heimoff